GenNext in the Dominican Republic

GenNext in the Dominican Republic

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This Exploration trip was designed for intergenerational GenNext families, from young-in-age to young-at-heart. We’ll head to the Dominican Republic to learn about education and entrepreneurship in a developing economy, in collaboration with our friends at Edify, by volunteering or teaching at a local Christian school (think VBS). Each traveler had an age-appropriate task.

The dost per person, which included lodging, meals, local ground transportation, and group activities (but not airfare or optional family excursions/rentals):

+ $2,000 – Children 11 and under

+ $2,400 – Adults and Youth 12 and over

Video from the exploration
Photos from the exploration
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Criteria to join our community events

  • Follow Jesus as Lord and Savior.
  • Give at least $200,000 a year to Christian causes. Though the number isn't a rigid threshold, it represents a proxy for the types of people who are asking and wrestling with the same questions around wise stewardship, giving well, avoiding pitfalls, raising the next generation, allocating resources, defining a family legacy, etc. People come to The Gathering to pursue relationships with peers who are exploring similar issues with a measure of humility, vulnerability, and trust.

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