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A Single Root

January 1, 2025

A Single Root

It seems certain that we are all bound, like redwoods, by a single root.

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Art by Sang Eon Lee

August 20, 2020


Several of my friends are beginning to say “farewell” to their careers.

Art by Rene Milot

August 13, 2020

Feathers on the Waves

The Greeks, as always, had a word for it: tragedy.

Art by Marc Chagall

August 6, 2020

The Hopeless Wanderer

In Don Miller’s book “Scary Close” he chronicles his several years of failed relationships, isolation and painful drama.

Art by Norman Rockwell

July 30, 2020

No Other Way

Most of us are familiar with William Wilberforce for his long but ultimately successful struggle to abolish the slave trade in England.

Art by John Watkins Chapman

July 23, 2020

A Peace Profound

I think it was long-time Chaplain of the Senate Dick Halverson who said, “In the beginning the church was a fellowship of men and women centering on the living Christ. Then the church moved to Greece, where it became a philosophy. Then it moved to Rome, where it became an institution. Next it moved to Europe where it became a culture, and, finally, it moved to America where it became an enterprise.”

July 16, 2020

Snakes on a Plain

There are very few passages in Scripture as graphic and frightening as God’s sending “fiery serpents” in response to the grumbling of the people.

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