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October 1, 2020
A Gift Too Big
Instead of destroying a weakened Israel, the Midianites chose constant humiliation by periodically crossing into Israel and reducing them to living in fear – hiding in mountains and caves.
September 24, 2020
Freely Given
On April 6, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson and Congress declared war on Germany.
September 17, 2020
A Bonhoeffer Moment
Almost everywhere you turn – left and right – you will hear or read people saying, “This is a Bonhoeffer moment.”
September 10, 2020
The Invisible Whip
The week started over coffee with a young man having just completed the ultimate business deal of his career.
September 3, 2020
One Thing Lacking
Several times in the New Testament we encounter the surprising notion that the best people are lacking something.
August 27, 2020
Songs of Joy
Studies are showing that giving, especially smaller gifts, has increased substantially during the pandemic.
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